Thursday, February 18, 2010

Immigration Customs Enforcement Hiring Freeze Do You Support The Obama Administration's Decision To Tackle Illegal Immigration At Its Source?

Do you support the Obama administration's decision to tackle illegal immigration at its source? - immigration customs enforcement hiring freeze

To use the Obama administration takes employers who knowingly and illegal workers, a policy not unlike the approach of the Bush administration.

The guidelines, to Immigration and Customs Enforcement on Thursday, calls for fines and criminal cases against employers who violate the law.

The priority is to go after the employers, but says the policy that officers continue the illegal workers, under the condition that the agreement of the prosecutor to arrest U.S. cases against their employer on the ground.

The Obama administration insists that humanitarian guidelines apply in most cases, under President George W. Bush.

As a candidate Barack Obama has promised an immigration policy that change the emphasisFurther raids work, and focus more on employers who hire illegal immigrants and comprehensive reform of immigration. Some immigrant advocates had hoped that Obama would enact a law that immigration raids freezing sign, but that has not happened.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, said the agency will make to the "revival of one of the priorities of investors, the money from these illegal immigrants and give them jobs to American workers should focus instead simply counting.

Obama attacks on companies that hire illegal immigrants


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